Gear Art


To create this piece, you will need to print out all of the gears. Make sure to print out gear #1 twice. Print out two of the plates, 16 washers, and one stand. You will also need 8 rivets, or perhaps you can use screws. Something with less than ~4.2mm in diameter.

To assemble: push the rivets through the holes on the plate and glue them in place on the head side. Add 1 washer to each rivet, except on the places for gear #1. Place the stand on these two rivets.

Add each gear to the rivets. Finally, add another washer to each rivet, and place the plate on top. You might want to glue the ends of the rivet to the plate. See how well it spins and if you have to make any adjustments!

Download .stl Files

Here are the .stl files available to download:

Gear Guide

The above image shows what gear should go on which rivet. Think of it like a puzzle! The end result should be able to spin.